Top iPod Info

Friday, May 26, 2006

Nike + Ipod Sport Kit - Running into the Future

On the concept of integrating technology into your everyday life, now Nike and Apple are combining two of their products' functionality with a sensor and interface that lets you track your running efforts on your Ipod.

Using a sensor in the shoe, the data is sent to both your Nano Ipod, as well as to an online database that tracks your exercise progress for you.
The oft-promised "computer in your toaster" seems to be coming true with this integration of real-word activity and data capture.
The package also broadcasts audio feedback/cues of some kind to keep you paced and/or motivated in your run. A mini "on the move" coach if you will.

The cool part is that you can track a continual pace, such as that you might be training for a particular distance or time of race.


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