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Monday, June 26, 2006

iPod as Home Theatre - Bliss

Quick opinion piece here, feel free to tear it to shreds after I finish.

Once upon a time, all regular (non movie industry employees) would see a movie in a strange dark building called a "movie theater". The movies were shown on giant screens, you sat in rows of seats, and maybe bought some overpriced snacks to devour while you smelled everyone else's perfume (and worse.) and usually didn't hear too much chatter.

Now the trend among those with too much money to spend, and a declining common sense, build "home theaters". These are dark rooms with giant screens, rows of seats - well, you get the idea.

People are apparently taking an experience that they rented for a couple hours, and paying to install it in their house. Why? Mostly because it looks cool in Magazines and on Television shows about the "Rich and Famous". Again, for the kiddies out there, here's Live Lesson #8 - BUY Investments (things that MAKE you MONEY), and RENT entertainment and other non-investment goodies. Unless you MAKE movies, have distribution, and can rent them out to theaters yourself - movies and theaters are not investments.

Here's reality. If you build a "Home Theater", you become a "host" with "parasites" who oddly enough, would rather experience your theater for free, then pay to go to a commercial version.

A lil' iPod is actually more relaxing and enjoyable than a "home theatre" once your friends find out about it, and you get the electric bill to run it.

So enjoy little movies that you can watch in a park, or in your backyard, or in the garage, or whereever. It's sweet.


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