Microsoft iPod Killer Device - Not possible. Why? Read On.

It could be a device based on a mini "Windows Media Center" type of application, but whatever it does, it would never be an "iPod Killer".
It might very well be even better, faster, stronger, than before (hope it doesn't cost Six Million Dollars though!), but just like Pepsi will never wipe out Coke - Microsoft is not going ever be able to touch the BRANDING of Apple products. They may beat them in actual functionality or other useability factors, but the sensory and emotional appeal of brands cannot be beaten by hardware. In fact, a new "Pocket Media" device from Company "X" could develop its own branding which is entirely separate and different from iPod.
People love their iPods because they look cool, feel cool, their FRIENDS think they look and feel cool, they work relatively well, and they make you look good while you're using them. This is all branding, and it's built up by association with experts, celebrity, advertising, marketing, and word of mouth.
This doesn't mean that APPLE can't destroy their own brand with mistakes of their own, but no other company will be able to do it simply with new product introduction.
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